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Taping, the PhysioEdge way - my labour of love

The PhysioEdge tape is something physiotherapists use frequently on the sports field.  (And, as someone trying to play high level sport, and my body trying to remind me it is ageing rather rapidly). I realised I was often sending a photo series to friends and team mates when they needed advice or help, sneaking a quick video clip in with one hand holding the phone and one hand trying to do the taping, so I decided to put the techniques into an easy-to-follow handbook instead.

It was fraught with issues; one of the big providers trying to sue us over registering a new name for the tape (luckily they can't take PhysioEdge away from me) then there were issues with both photographers, the tape supplier, one of the models, the publisher. to name but a few.. and time time time.

It was a labour of love writing this book, but I'm glad I did, as it's invaluable for all sports teams, and anyone who wants to stay active! Plus it's really easy to use!

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