It took nearly 4 years to get it right, but here's my 'magic' gel.
Testing out different essential oil 'smell' combinations on my office floor (before I decided to go with odourless)
It all started with a lunch
A few years ago, I was having lunch with a friend (who is a Venture Capitalist) on my way back from work (as a physiotherapist) on a film set, and my favourite massage gel fell out of my bag, popping open and ruining. I explained sadly that you could no longer get that particular product in the UK any more and that was my last tube.
He asked me why I don't just make my own.... and so I did... only different (and better, obviously)
So, I found a factory in Hampshire and told them it had to have magnesium in it, colourless (no staining of clothes), and non-greasy (so I could use PhysioEdge tape over it). At first I tried out a lot of combinations of essential oils, asking my colleagues and patients in the clinics to choose (The pic shows me sitting on my office floor trying out combinations). Their opinions were distributed evenly, making the choice impossible. I then decided that the gel should be odourless, to avoid anyone 'stinking out the office'.
The idea was to make a product whereby your muscles could get the magnesium they need in order to function well, without the need for a 20+ minute bath (plus, my tiny London house also doesn't have a bath, so that made it tricky to get my transdermal magnesium fix). I wanted a product that could be applied on the side of the sports field, with a heating effect which was shown to expedite the magnesium crossing the skin.
It took a lot of to-ing and fro-ing and finally the PhysioEdge Magnesium Massage gel was born.